Coaching For Businesses

One to one business coaching to support you in building a thriving business that also brings your joy, purpose and balance.

For me, the measure of a successful business is not just about the bottom line. A successful business to me is one that brings you joy, balance and purpose and fits into the lifestyle you want, not you fitting in around your business. And that’s what I want to support you in creating.

Running a business is hard, I know, I’ve been there, I am currently there! But not only that, it can also feel incredibly lonely. Whether it’s just you or you’re running a team, ultimately the buck ends with you and it can be hard and isolating at the top.

I remember in the early days of opening my previous company we won a local business competition. Among the prizes was a year’s mentoring with a business coach. I cannot begin to explain how much the support from that coach meant to two young, inexperienced businesswomen. I always remembered that experience and hoped one day I would be able to offer the same support to business owners.

Person typing on keyboard with a cup of coffee. There is also a phone, computer mouse and green plant on the desk

Business coaching is for you if you...

– Want to reconnect your joy, passion, and purpose

– Are ready to make the changes so your business supports your life

– Have been feeling overwhelmed and stressed out by your business

– Feel lost or stuck and don’t know where to turn

– Need to find a new direction, but are not sure where to start

– Could do with a sounding board and personal cheerleader

– Know there is more to be done with your business and want to grow it to its full potential

– Would like support from someone who has been there and knows what running a business is like

Remember, your business should serve and support you, not the other way around. Now is the time to take control of your business.

Together we can...

– Go back to the beginning and reconnect with your joy, passion and purpose

– Reflect on how your business has grown and evolved to gain clarity and perspective

– Create a clear vision for your business that will allow you to let go of comparison of others

– Set clear, actionable goals that keep you focused

– Plan out your business over a short, medium and long term whilst keeping your joy at the heart of it

– Identify ways to streamline your business and develop procedures to support it going forward

– Envision how you want your business to fit into your life and identify how to make that happen

Two people having a tea or coffee together

Sound Good? Here are Your Options:

The Business Reset

We’ll work together 2 hours to really dive into your business. This is a great chance to step back, get some perspective on your business and really take a good look at everything that is going on in this moment. We’ll explore how you want to move forward, how you want to feel in your business and reconnect with your purpose and joy. By the end of the session, you’ll have gained clarity and have a plan about how to move forward with intention and joy.

This package also includes email support by me for 4 weeks after our session. Perfect if you have any follow up questions or need a pep talk!


£ 250
In Full
  • 1x2 hour Zoom session
  • Notes after our session
  • Email contact for 4 weeks after our session

The Business Deep Dive

The best option if you are craving a deep exploration of your business. Includes 10x one hour 1:1 coaching sessions over six months.

Not only will we be diving into your business, exploring what’s going on and plan, but we’ll also work on the things that are tripping you up. Together we can build self-confidence, overcome negative self-talk and work on mindset. We’ll reconnect you to your purpose and why. I will be your accountability buddy, helping you take consistent action to create a business that works for you.

Deep Dive

£ 900
In Full
  • 10x1 hour Zoom sessions
  • Notes after each session
  • Email contact throughout the six months

The Business Reset

This one-off 2 hour business coaching is an opportunity for us to really deep dive into your business together.

This is a great chance to step back, get some perspective and really take a good look at everything that is going on. We’ll explore how you want to move forward, how you want to feel in your business and reconnect with your purpose and joy. By the end of the session, you’ll have gained clarity and have a plan about how to move forward with intention and joy.

This package also includes email support by me for 4 weeks after our session. Perfect if you have any follow up questions or need a pep talk!

The Business Deep Dive

The best option if you are craving a deep exploration of your business. Includes 10x one hour 1:1 business coaching sessions over six months.

Not only will we be diving into your business, exploring what’s going on and plan, but we’ll also work on the things that are tripping you up.

Together we can build self-confidence, overcome negative self-talk and work on mindset. We’ll reconnect you to your purpose and why. I will be your accountability buddy, helping you take consistent action to create a business that works for you.


£ 250
In Full
  • 1x2 hour Zoom session
  • Notes after our session
  • Email contact for 4 weeks after our session

Deep Dive

£ 900
In Full
  • 10x1 hour Zoom sessions
  • Notes after each session
  • Email contact throughout the six months