Helping My Overwhelm

Sarah is standing in a forest next to a tree with golden ferns around her

The overwhelm has been real recently!


I think overwhelm is here because with the end of the year looming, and after this year not quite going to plan (you can read more about that here) I really want to end the year on a high. I’ve finally feeling energised and have some lovely things coming up in the business, so I want to make the most of the last few weeks before Christmas.


And then, of course the overwhelm strikes! 


I get it, I get it, I’ve been putting pressure and expectations on myself which I know triggers me, but I really want to do all these things I have planned. Which means I need to be helping my overwhelm right now.


So during this period of overwhelm I’m acknowledging its there, without letting it knock me off my stride.


The key here is not to ignore the it, I learnt the hard way that doesn’t work. No the key here is to say ‘hello old friend, I see you are back. I’m not going to let you stop me this time, so l’ll support you if you don’t completely overwhelm me.’


With the deal struck, here’s how I’ve been helping my overwhelm recently. I share this as inspiration to help you find what might help you when feeling overwhelmed (I’m guessing that’s where you’re at if you are reading this!) but remember what works for me might not work for you. So take what you need and leave the rest…..and if you interested read my other blog post about overwhelm here.


  1. Focusing on just the next few weeks, rather than thinking too far ahead
  2. Writing all the lists! Then picking three things I can do straight away and get ticked off
  3. Taking action on the things that are important right now and putting off anything that isn’t essential
  4. Reminding myself of how far I’ve come and all I have achieved
  5. Keeping myself active. Moving my body gently helps shift nervous energy
  6. Allowing myself plenty of down time and rest, including getting plenty of sleep

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