To be honest this year hasn’t gone as planned…
I came into 2022 with so much optimism and excitement for the year ahead. I felt really focused and ready to grow my new business as a Life Coach. But just a few weeks into the new year things started to crumble and this year hasn’t gone to plan.
On reflection I put way too much pressure and expectation on myself. Things were a bit rocky and uncertain in my other job and I saw my coaching as a way to make things easier. Hence the pressure! Within a few days of January my anxiety was sky rocketing, I was feeling super overwhelmed and my mental wellbeing was struggling. And that’s how I stayed for most of the year! Things have only really shifted in the past few months.
When I am in super anxiety and overwhelm mode I freeze. It makes completing even the simplest tasks feel impossible, so a lot of what I had planned had to this year had take a back seat. Whilst it’s been very frustrating, it’s something I had to accept and as always during challenging times I’ve learnt a lot. It has also reaffirmed is just how much I love being a coach and that this is truly what I want to do.
The other day I was thinking about this year, how hard it had been and how things have turned out very differently that I planned. That was when I realised that, those challenges were exactly what I needed.
I was forcing things, trying to be who I thought I should be. I wasn’t giving myself space to find my voice as a coach. These challenges forced me to stop, and by doing so they stopped me from going down the wrong path. On reflection, I wonder if the reason I found it so hard to take any steps forward was because my intuition knew I was heading in the wrong direction.
So yes, this year hasn’t gone to plan in the slightest, but I’m ok with that. Because I actually feel I’m more where I should be right now than I would be if things had gone as I planned.